Who can join?

Everybody! If you are interested in sleep and dreams, you are warmly invited to join us!
From first bachelor's semester to PhD students, from sleep newbie to dream experts:
If you sleep at least once a day and are somehow fascinated by it, you are qualified! ;-)

Our monthly meetings are held either in German or English (depending on the participants).

Why joining?

- Learn something about sleep and dreams
- Conduct sleep experiments
- Meet nice people from all semesters
- Talk about dreams and lucid dreaming
- Get ideas for a possible bachelor's thesis
- Set up an internship at another sleep laboratory
- Stay up at night and witnessing a brain fall asleep in real time
- Play games, watch movies at movie nights
- ...

How to join

Either send us an email to wwwsisad@uos.de and we will add you to our mailing list.

Or join our Telegram group via this link: https://t.me/joinchat/L_YO6Cql6iM4Zjdi


If you have any questions, just write an email to wwwsisad [ät] uos [dot] de .